Monday, April 23, 2007

Wine glasses to keep your partner from drinking

Think you're smart enough to master My Other Half? This set of wine glasses is connected via tubing at the bottom, which means liquid always flows down to the lowest glass. Essentially, you'll have to work together with your partner whenever one of you wants to take a drink. A pretty neat game that ensures you won't get hammered by yourself and puts a little more fun into drinking (as if it needed it).

And if you can master these fluid dynamics, you could make sure your date always has more to drink than you. Not that we're condoning that. Hit the jump to see it in use.


Bluetooth Anal Probe

What better way to get your body temperature than with bluetooth! Now you can send your information to your phone or PDA. Doctors every where are really excited about this. They can pull it out of their front pocket and start probing.

Star Trek Apartment

Tony Alleyne

This guy went from UK Dj to Star Trekkie dream apartment builder. The pictures on his site explain it all. Apparently he put his apartment up on ebay in March. Maybe he can make my computer room into the Holodeck.

Multimedia Handbag


This is Bubble Gear's multimedia handbag, which consists of a "Scrag" (that's what I call a bag-screen hybrid) with built-in MP3 and DVD player. This bag is described as an "attention magnet"—thief magnet, more like—that will have people crowding round you as you sit in the mall watching the Teletubbies DVD bought by your latest boyfriend to keep you quiet on long journeys.

And when you're bored of that, you can either listen to that Pussycat Dolls track that you know all the dance moves to, or set up a slideshow of photos for your newfound friends. "And this is my boyfriend... And this is my brain cell. Nope, just the one... Here are my favorite shoes... And this is the last picture of my mom and dad... no, it's just a back view of the car, they didn't say where they were going, but yeah, they were in a hurry..."

There's a rechargable lithium battery, two sets of headphones, a car charger and a remote control, all included. The bag will cost you $399 and all the self-esteem you ever had. Find out after the jump where true gizmo girls stash their gadgets.

What the hell is this all about? I guess the price is about the same as those overly priced Coach bags. Another name for this device could be portable dvd player bag. Just think of it as a fancy protector for the dvd player. Even though it might not protect it very much. I would encourage my wife to use this bag when we go out so when she is shopping I can watch her purse for her ;)

Friday, April 20, 2007

Toto Travel Washlet: Portable Butt Sprayer

apanese people are getting so accustomed to having their butts sprayed clean that they're going to need to carry the paraphernalia to do so wherever they go. That's where Japanese toilet butt-spray champ Toto steps in with its Travel Washlet, a porto-ass sprayer that cleans you right up without the need for wiping. This handheld unit differs a bit from the home version, though, where it does the spraying but lacks that heated blow-drying capability of its potty-bound brandmate. So there still will be some dry-up wiping necessary, we assume.

Apparently the Japanese think toilet paper is just not enough. Really they are correct and we all should get one of these.

Burger, Sandwich, Pizza USB Flash Drive

Different from the Solid Alliance USB food platter are these miniature morsels that also serve as data storage. Everything from cheeseburgers to pizza are available and they come in capacities ranging from 256MB to 2GB. These gems are the work of a company named Vavolo.
I think Pizzahut and Burger King should use this to their advantage and put promotional items on the drives and give them away in kids meals.

Bathtub Racer

This seems like a relationship pleaser to me. My girlfriend loves baths more than anything, but I like racing: cars, go karts, Hell even on foot. And we're always looking for something new to do together.

Two words: Bathtub Racer. We're talking fully motorized bathtub fun (No, not that kind of bathtub fun). For $17,000, you can get yourself 2 racers and an 65'x29' inflatable track. And we're not talking about a stupid little circuit track, this thing is a full on windy course.

Desktop Batting Machine

Ever want to hit balls over the cubicle barrier? Now you can with this wonder invention. Don't worry the balls are plastic and probably won't hurt much if hit by one. Everyone in the other row is gonna want to try this one out and its only $25! It comes with 12 soft miniature balls and da collapsible bat so its quick to put away before the boss catches you.

Shake Your Pants

Indoor Toe warmer

Even though spring is definitely here, we still like the idea of a cozy fire, and this Fire Table from British design firm Fuego is just weird enough to satisfy our firebug jones. Hey, any excuse to play with fire is good enough for a recovering smoker.

This one's exceptionally easy to use, where all you need to do is light up its alcohol-based gel (it's like Sterno) and whoosh! The thing's burning without any stankin' smoke, muss or fuss.

Be careful who you let stand next to your fire, because a diaphanous gown could suddenly burst into flames. And it's certainly not childproof, nor is it wallet-proof at $1800-$2200 depending on finish and size. – Charlie White

Indoor Fire Table

Fish 'n Flush

Fish 'n Flush

Thursday, April 19, 2007

The OJ Simpsons

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Hey! I'm the second coming of Jesus! Not

Hey maybe he can do miracles. I know he has the money to.

The iPhone - Conan style

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Hotdoll: The Sex Doll for Dogs


Is your dog in heat and humping anything it can wrap its horny little legs around? Are you constantly having to pry your promiscuous pooch off the legs of guests, parents and members of your church? Protect your leg from a hump attack by getting Scruffy a Hotdoll. Yes, it's a sex doll for dogs. It's shaped like a dog and it'll allow your tension-filled pet to go to town as much as his little heart desires, humping away until he passes out in exhaustion, leaving a wispy coil of friction-singed dog-fur smoke wafting into the air.

God, I love the Internet. Hit the jump for more hot dog-on-doll action shots. Don't pretend like you don't want to see them.


Intesting inventions that never made it

Here are some really interesting inventions that I personally think everyone should have in their house:

Egg Topper: Burning your fingers first thing is no yolk, so this little fellow was designed to snip the shell with no mess

Brightfeet Lighted Slippers: These twinkle toes could be quite useful for those nocturnal trips to the loo. They'd also cause a stir at the cinema

Shuffling Shoes: A housewife's dream. Trim those thighs as you clean with dualpurpose footwear that has scrubbing brushes on the bottom

Q-Top: Invented by housewife Carolyn McMaster, this will keep your cucumbers nice and fresh. It also won a bronze medal at the British Invention Show 2005

The Zaky: A hand-shaped fleece pillow to provide comfort for infants. Mothers can even perfume it with their chosen scent to aid the bonding process. It was created by a U.S. doctor, Dr Yamile Jackson, and named after her son Zachary, who was hospitalised as a baby.

Smearless Lip stencil: Shades of Hannibal Lecter with this mask, which in theory will help you kiss goodbye to wobbly lippy lines Brightfeet Lighted Slippers: These twinkle toes could be quite useful for those nocturnal trips to the loo. They'd also cause a stir at the cinema

Tear Free Onion Chopper: Chefs hoping to save on mascara simply place their onion in this plastic box from Japan, and hey presto, it's top of the chops with no stinging

Moustache Spoon: Slurp alert. This two-tiered spoon from 1900 will protect whiskers from unsightly dribbles of soup and custard

Monowheel: Dr Geraint Owen is on a roll as he takes his 1998 contraption for a spin

Bra Warmer: Save yourself a short, sharp shock in the morning from those satin undies - just what the doctor ordered

The Sun Pod: Ever craved a bit of peace on a noisy beach? In the Eighties, sun worshippers could opt for this unusual sunbathing experience. The brightly coloured cocktail costs extra

Meowlingual: This is the cat's whiskers, an electronic feline interpreter from Japan. Now your moggy can tell you about the mouse hidden under the sofa. This followed hot on the paws of the dog interpreter - the Bowlingual

PS3 vs Wii

Flights to get even more comfortable

Picture: radical seating concept to be launched at Aircraft Interiors Expo

A novel aircraft seating layout described as a “radical solution” to economy-class travel will be unveiled at this year’s Aircraft Interiors Expo 2007 to be held at Hamburg on 17-19 April.

The Freedom concept, hatched by Premium Aircraft Interior Group, creates an additional column of seats by positioning passengers in opposite directions. According to Premium, the design, “enables their shoulders to overlap, minimising the width of an armrest between each occupant”.

“We set out to humanise long-haul economy air travel and at the same time have created an entirely new seating configuration with a striking cabin aesthetic”, says Ian Dryburgh, head of Acumen Design Associates, which together with Premium make up the ‘twoHB’ partnership which designed the Freedom system.

Just imagine you take a nap on the airplane and wake up with your head in someone's stinky armpit! So who is going to fight for the middle seat on this flight. At least it will be easier to get up to go to the bathroom no more climbing over the legs when you are at the window seat.

Boy in Hempfield really hates daylight savings time

A fifteen-year old boy in America was incarcerated for twelve days, wrongly accused of making a hoax bomb threat - because his school had forgotten that the clocks had gone forward.

Cody Webb was arrested last month, after Hempfield Area High School received a bomb threat on their student hotline – which provides a range of information to students about the school - at 3.17am on March 11th. They believed they'd found the culprit when they traced the phone number they thought was responsible to Webb.

Unfortunately, the school forgot that the clocks had switched to Daylight Saving Time that morning. The time stamps left on the hotline were adjusted by an hour after Day Light Savings causing Webb's call to logged as the same time the bomb threat was placed. Webb, who's never even had a detention in his life, had actually made his call an hour before the bomb threat was placed.

Despite the fact that the recording of the call featured a voice that sounded nothing like Webb's, the police arrested Webb and he spent 12 days in a juvenile detention facility before the school eventually realised their mistake.

Webb gave an insight into the school's impressive investigative techniques, saying that he was ushered in to see the principal, Kathy Charlton. She asked him what his phone number was, and , according to Webb, when he replied 'she started waving her hands in the air and saying “we got him, we got him.”'

'They just started flipping out, saying I made a bomb threat to the school,' he told local television station KDKA. After he protested his innocence, Webb says that the principal said: 'Well, why should we believe you? You're a criminal. Criminals lie all the time.'

All charges against Webb have now been dropped.

As per popular demand:
View Kathy Charlton's personal website / contact information.

Principal: Kathy Charlton
School: Hempfield High School
School Phone: 724-834-9000
Voice Mail: 724-850-2058

The Landlord

Check out The Landlord at - it's on
