Monday, November 22, 2010

Xmas 3 2010

Red Plaid Christmas
Shop for elegant Christmas photo cards.
View the entire collection of cards.

Friday, July 13, 2007

Adobe Creative Suite 3 Interactive Wall

Brand New SchoolThumbnail
In conjunction with the launch of Adobe's CS3, this interactive mural installation was designed by Brand New School for Goodby, Silverstein & Partners of San Francisco. Using some fairly sophisticated tracking hardware and flash scripting, peoples' movements are recorded and translated into an animated mixed-media mural.

Can be found in Union Square

Monday, April 23, 2007

Wine glasses to keep your partner from drinking

Think you're smart enough to master My Other Half? This set of wine glasses is connected via tubing at the bottom, which means liquid always flows down to the lowest glass. Essentially, you'll have to work together with your partner whenever one of you wants to take a drink. A pretty neat game that ensures you won't get hammered by yourself and puts a little more fun into drinking (as if it needed it).

And if you can master these fluid dynamics, you could make sure your date always has more to drink than you. Not that we're condoning that. Hit the jump to see it in use.


Bluetooth Anal Probe

What better way to get your body temperature than with bluetooth! Now you can send your information to your phone or PDA. Doctors every where are really excited about this. They can pull it out of their front pocket and start probing.

Star Trek Apartment

Tony Alleyne

This guy went from UK Dj to Star Trekkie dream apartment builder. The pictures on his site explain it all. Apparently he put his apartment up on ebay in March. Maybe he can make my computer room into the Holodeck.

Multimedia Handbag


This is Bubble Gear's multimedia handbag, which consists of a "Scrag" (that's what I call a bag-screen hybrid) with built-in MP3 and DVD player. This bag is described as an "attention magnet"—thief magnet, more like—that will have people crowding round you as you sit in the mall watching the Teletubbies DVD bought by your latest boyfriend to keep you quiet on long journeys.

And when you're bored of that, you can either listen to that Pussycat Dolls track that you know all the dance moves to, or set up a slideshow of photos for your newfound friends. "And this is my boyfriend... And this is my brain cell. Nope, just the one... Here are my favorite shoes... And this is the last picture of my mom and dad... no, it's just a back view of the car, they didn't say where they were going, but yeah, they were in a hurry..."

There's a rechargable lithium battery, two sets of headphones, a car charger and a remote control, all included. The bag will cost you $399 and all the self-esteem you ever had. Find out after the jump where true gizmo girls stash their gadgets.

What the hell is this all about? I guess the price is about the same as those overly priced Coach bags. Another name for this device could be portable dvd player bag. Just think of it as a fancy protector for the dvd player. Even though it might not protect it very much. I would encourage my wife to use this bag when we go out so when she is shopping I can watch her purse for her ;)

Friday, April 20, 2007

Toto Travel Washlet: Portable Butt Sprayer

apanese people are getting so accustomed to having their butts sprayed clean that they're going to need to carry the paraphernalia to do so wherever they go. That's where Japanese toilet butt-spray champ Toto steps in with its Travel Washlet, a porto-ass sprayer that cleans you right up without the need for wiping. This handheld unit differs a bit from the home version, though, where it does the spraying but lacks that heated blow-drying capability of its potty-bound brandmate. So there still will be some dry-up wiping necessary, we assume.

Apparently the Japanese think toilet paper is just not enough. Really they are correct and we all should get one of these.

Burger, Sandwich, Pizza USB Flash Drive

Different from the Solid Alliance USB food platter are these miniature morsels that also serve as data storage. Everything from cheeseburgers to pizza are available and they come in capacities ranging from 256MB to 2GB. These gems are the work of a company named Vavolo.
I think Pizzahut and Burger King should use this to their advantage and put promotional items on the drives and give them away in kids meals.

Bathtub Racer

This seems like a relationship pleaser to me. My girlfriend loves baths more than anything, but I like racing: cars, go karts, Hell even on foot. And we're always looking for something new to do together.

Two words: Bathtub Racer. We're talking fully motorized bathtub fun (No, not that kind of bathtub fun). For $17,000, you can get yourself 2 racers and an 65'x29' inflatable track. And we're not talking about a stupid little circuit track, this thing is a full on windy course.